Over the past 5 years, I have seen a surge in new metal detectors coming onto the market. Each time one is released the hype seems to be getting bigger and bigger, and the YouTube testers becoming more and more prolific, obviously these metal detectors are being given out freely, but as we all know, nothing is free in this world, and if you have something for nothing, you can bet your life you're going to have to sell a part of your soul testing it, and tell anyone who will listen that its the best thing that's ever appeared on the market. This makes it difficult for new people to the hobby to choose a starter detector, and many have faced the utterly confusing, passionate barrage of replies to the innocent question 'Whats the best detector for a beginner?' Few take into consideration the amount of money the questioner has to spend, where they are going to detect beach or land, if ill health and machine weight is an issue, or if they want a simple switch and go or a...