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Showing posts from 2020

BOOM SILVERS Medieval at the 14th Century Manor I Garrett APEX

Are you making these Basic Garrett APEX MISTAKES? I Metal Detecting Tips

OLDEST copper coin I've EVER found metal detecting

Garrett APEX Metal Detecting - Relics & Rubies

The TREASURE FIELDS just keep on GIVING I Super Set of SILVERS I Metal D...

Return to the Charles 2nd field hoping to find GOLD

Silver Cleaning Metal Detecting Coins I Tips and Tricks I CRUD to GOOD

From CRUD to GOOD in 10 minutes - Cleaning your SILVER metal detecting coins can create YOU'VE RUINED THAT comments, BUT If you KNOW what to clean and how to clean, no harm is done

OMG I'm SHOCKED at what I FOUND Its BETTER THAN GOLD I Metal detecting d...

#diggerdawn #metaldetecting #femaledetectorists #treasurehunter #garrett #garrettatmax

I CANT BELIEVE what I found I Metal Detecting LIVE digs with sound and T...

You always find the BEST things when you LEAST expect it I Metal Detecti...

ou always find the BEST things when you LEAST expect it, that's exactly what happened today! After a four hunt silver drought, I was rewarded with not one but two big old silver coins, and a tip to help you increase your finds rate

Fantastic Metal Detecting Hunt - Do you believe in the Law of Attraction...

We had a fantastic hunt with some really nice finds. I am currently using the Law of Attraction to find a GOLD coin, do you believe you can attract finds by believing in them enough? This video also contains a 1st Happy Spade Dance 🤣 🤣 🤣 Thanks to you all for the 15,000 Subs too x

BOOM I'm Back out Metal Detecting AGAIN

Whats in Digger Dawns FINDS BAG? Believe me it could be ANYTHING! I Meta...